The Friends of Old Dover has been one of Dover's institutions for many years, and traces the beginning to the original "Old Dover Day" in 1933.  Old Dover Days began as A Day with the Storied Houses & Gardens of Old Dover and was held under the auspices of the Dover Garden Club (now Friends of Old Dover).


Our purpose is to promote and foster preservation, restoration, and research of the area's historic properties and historically significant documents, to educate the community and encourage public interest and involvement in the historic heritage. This is done through sponsorship of talks and events, participation in "Dover Days", and partnership with First State Heritage Park.



Past & Current Presidents

(Known Presidents - Past to Present)

Maurice Harnett


Vernon Derrickson (1951)

Charles Dickens (1952)


Judge A.B. Magee (1954)


William A. Hughes, Jr. (1955)


Henry R. Horsey (1967- 1968)


Max Terry, Jr. (1968 - 1969)

Frederick Kelly (1973)


Harold Breeser (finished Kelly's term)


Daniel Blagg (1974 - 1976)


Elizabeth Moyne (1976)

Joseph Maybee (1978 - 1982)

Dr. William Flayhart (1992)

Bill Hudson (1994 - 1997)

Jack Richter (1997 - 1999)


M. Jane Richter (1999 - 2004)

Larry Josefowski (2004 - 2017)

Mary Terry Mason (2017 - )


Become a Friend

Friends of Old Dover



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